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Discover Simple Truths:

Build Unshakable Faith in Jesus

Jesus said,

Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like:

He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock.

And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock.

Luke 6:47-49

The storms of life will come…

But if you LISTEN to Jesus and OBEY
you will not fall

Many Christians are shaken by the storms of life because they lack a knowledge of God.

Either they don’t know what God has said for us to do, or they don’t have a personal relationship with Him.

Maybe you’ve said something like:

"I don't know God or the Bible as well as I should."

"I don't have a strong personal relationship with God like others."

"OK ... but where do I start?"

You’re not alone!

Don’t be discouraged.

These kinds of thoughts are a good sign.

It means you want to grow, but aren’t sure how.

If you don’t give up then these feelings will be temporary.

Two Ways This Website Helps You

The No Apologies Blog

Every post explores the simple truth of the Bible.

  • God wrote the Bible plainly.
    It can be understood plainly.
  • He wants you to know Him.
    And He wants to know you.

An unshakable Christian has a personal knowledge of God and His word.

The No Apologies Shop

Our free Shop is designed to help you experience God.

An unshakable knowledge of God = personal experience grounded in Truth.

  • Our Roadmaps allow you to
    discover truth for yourself.
  • Study Guides for
    Personal OR Small Groups
  • Printable Handouts for witnessing and sharing your faith.

Every download in our Shop is designed to help you free of charge!

This website exists for you!


Build Your Faith

Remember, Jesus said to listen to Him, and do what He says.

And you will be like a wise man who dug deep and laid the foundation of his house on the rock.

Click “Get Started”, and let’s examine the foundation of your faith.

Get Started!